Ruby Is Retired
Ruby is our precious red toy poodle; she weighs 81/2 lbs. and has a mainly red pedigree.She is the sweetest, most lovable and affectionate poodle we have ever had and her pups are just a gorgeous dark red. She is Retired and She is the queen bee at our home. She will meet you at the door when you come to visit and then hoop up in your lap like you are her bestfriend. She keeps all the others in line;). Jazz, Rasha, Margo, Possum and Khloe are her daughters. If you want a loveable pup then these are the girls to get a puppy from.
Jazz is an AKC red toy poodle that is 9lb pounds. She has a long line of dark reds and has champions bloodlines on her fathers pedigree. Max is her father has the Glomar and R'tec lines. She has the most lovable personality and she will produces beautiful puppies. Her parents Ruby and Max were both tested for genetics on the poodle PRA and the poodle panel and are clear. She is clear by parentage.
She has a outstanding personality. She is 10lb and 10 inch tall. Her Personaltiy is more like her mom Ruby. All of Ruby girls are super smart and learn so fast. They all have the Glomar and R'tec lines. The pictur above is with Jazz her litter mate. They look so much a like. Jazz is just little darker. But they both are still a nice red. My daughter gave them their names Rasha And Jasmine. Their names comes from one of the disney movies. Her parents Ruby and Max were both tested for genetics on the poodle PRA and the poodle panel and are clear. She is clear by parentage. We tested her Parents to clear them.
She is the sister to Rasha and Jazz. She is the smallest of the 3 sisters. She is so loving, playful, and so Very smart.